Every Story Starts Somewhere


It is true, every story has a beginning. Some people say well, what about what led up to the story's beginning? Well, to those people, I say eventually that will become part of the backstory, but I am here to focus on the future and where my life is going! So, I want to introduce myself. At least to the best of my ability. You see, I will be writing this using a moniker that is obviously my real identity. Only those close to me and who I know will not judge me for my content will know who I really am. 

You content? What do you mean judge you for that?

Well, you see even though the lifestyle I, as a grown adult, have chosen to live has been widely accepted by many, there are still some who in my present and past, would condemn me for it. Therefore, if you are here to judge and make comments about how I should live you can see yourself out. 

So on with the show!!

A little about myself. I am Outlaw's Angel. I am a mother, a significant other to my wonderful Outlaw, and a submissive to him as well. Yes, I am in the BDSM lifestyle, and you cannot shame me for this! This is where a lot of my content will come from. I will be having blog posts about my journey in this lifestyle, pages about the kinks I personally enjoy as well as others that I may not, but I yearn to educate those who may. I won't yuck your yum, if you give me the same respect!

Some things you will not catch me discussing will be political topics. Religion yes, but politics no! 

Outlaw's Angel, why religion but not politics? Aren't both of those taboo subjects? 

You would be correct however, due to some of my past, I will be discussing the way I was raised and by removing the talk of religion, I cannot explain myself. This, however, does not give you or anyone the right to bash religions of any sort on my blog! If you do, your comments will be removed and if it continues, I will find a way to keep them being posted! 

Finally, there will be times that my posts may go from talking about the lifestyle to real life events going on in my life I need to just vent about. Please, if you come across one of these posts, be respectful and just keep the drama and hate to yourself.

If you have made it this far in my ranting, I invite you to follow along for this crazy journey! There are just a few more things I want to go over before we hit the proverbial road, so to say.

One, I am, for the most part, going to be following a book for prompts for my blogging journey. This book is called 365 of Submission: A Journal of Submissive Self Discovery by Laura Carruthers. I started this a while ago but fell off the wagon so to speak.

Two, this place is and always will be a safe place for people to discuss and ask questions. If I find you being disrespectful to anyone, I will find a way to make sure you cannot comment or discuss on my blog posts! You do not want my Momma Demon side to come out. I've been told she's a lot scarier than my Momma Bear side!

Three, this site is going to discuss what has brought me to where I am, but it is more to focus on where I am going on my journey to becoming my Outlaw's Angel!

Finally, there will be days that due to my past, some of the posts may be more rant than not. They may be more emotional, or even triggering for people. I apologize in advance! One thing I will promise each and every one who reads my posts, will know they are getting my 100% genuine self.
